Wednesday, May 29, 2013

DGSA (Dollar Store Goers Anonymous)

I really don't enjoy shopping as much as I should, according to my gender specifications.
     And I generally don't accept invitations to go shopping with girlfriends, unless somebody mentions "lunch" afterwards.
     Maybe once in a while (like twice a year, months apart) it's fun to do but the idea of spending every weekend hopping from store to store, digging through racks for a bargain or trying on garment after garment and messing up my hair and make-up, only to buy nothing is tiring.
     Besides, I find myself envying the husbands and boyfriends who get to sit in the corner passing the time on their iPhones, but because I'm a girl and allowed in the dressing rooms I have to go in and participate.
     Now, take me to the dollar store and we have a different story!
     There, you will never get me to leave... or rather you will after having spent too much money on things I don't need, simply because they each cost a dollar – sometimes two for a dollar!
     Lately, my obsession has gotten ridiculous: I seem to have developed an antenna for locating dollar stores around the city.
     And get this, when I go into one looking for something specific and they don't have it I begin drafting a letter of complaint to the manager (in my head), asking why they don't have my item in stock!
     Worse of all now is that I have what I call "Dollar Store Snobbishness", meaning I do price comparisons between grocery store items and dollar store items – I know it's ridiculous but what obsession isn't?
     And apparently there's a group for "Dollar Store" lovers like there is for "Coupon Collectors" but I'm not ready to join yet because I don't want the stigma.
     Oooh, I wonder if they'll ever start selling clothes and furniture...

Ella Roberts,

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