Monday, June 17, 2013


As a child I used to think that in order to get on TV you had to go to a studio (or a “place”) where they would shrink and copy you then place you inside everybody’s TV to do your thing and then beam you back to regular size, like in the first Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
     As I got a little bit older (just a little) I developed a starring role in a reality show in my head and my audience was the community of gorillas that lived in the mountains.
     Like in The Truman Show with Jim Carey my every move was a source of entertainment to the gorillas and I was the only one who knew about them watching us.
     So, like the good little budding entertainer that I was, I played for the invisible cameras knowing my fans (the little kiddie gorillas who saw me as their favorite character) expected a great show every time!
     Yeah, I know I was a messed up child with the kind of imagination that could only be fixed by surgical removal.
     This is probably why I grew up to be a writer – yes that means my overactive imagination still exists and I’m stuck with it like a squatter with a key.
     So, the point of these stories is to announce my debut on TV as you may or may not have heard.
     I now co-host a show called Let’sTalk NEWS Now and my contribution is to live out the great dilemma of eating for a living while magically trying to stay in shape.
     Don't forget to tune in!

Ella Roberts,

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