Tuesday, December 30, 2014


As a sleep connoisseur (yes connoisseur!) I become impassioned when talking about it, thinking about it and falling into it.
     For me there is no larger offense than something deliberately setting out to interfere with my ability to enjoy a good night's sleep.
     Grateful that I am no longer subject to random police sirens or drunken fellow students stumbling in at 3am, I now have other, more ridiculous sleep disturbers that I have not yet figured out how to handle.
     So I was climbing into my bed one night and getting ready to turn off the light, when I spotted the wrong end of a very leggy spider on my ceiling – directly above my face!
     Now how on Earth was I supposed to fall asleep knowing that a creepy crawlie, who was already upside down above me, could trip and fall straight into my hair?
     See I have zero tolerance for trespassers at the best of times so this is how the predictable game of Ella & the spider begins every single time:

     * Ella finds a glass
     * Spider doesn't move
     * Ella climbs on the bed
     * Spider senses an attack and starts moving really quickly
     * Ella screams
     * Spider hides
     * Ella waits for spider to re-emerge
     * Spider does not re-emerge
     * Ella loses three precious hours of potential sleep

Not good!
     It annoys me even more that every spider (except for tarantulas) has a misguided notion that because I am bigger, I want to hurt it – rest assured spiders that this is simply not true!
     If I reached for that shoe and took a swing at you, cleaning your blood splats off my walls will be my responsibility, which is something I don’t want!
     So how about you just stay out of my room okay?

Ella Roberts,

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