Friday, May 31, 2013


In every household there is a designated shopper, usually the mom because she generally has a great sense of what everybody wants and needs and she knows where to get it at bargain prices.
     Unfortunately, in my house hold that designated shopper is not me!
     This is because I do not like to shop (for clothes or anything else unless I REALLY need them) and of course I should never be allowed inside grocery stores because I have a minor issue... okay, the issue is major!
     I get so ridiculously overwhelmed at grocery stores that I forget what I am there for and end up wasting hours mentally crossing items off my list that I would like to buy but cannot because:

                    a) I am always on a diet.
                    b) I cannot afford them.
                    c) I have no use for them.

So I was at a grocery store recently (not WAL*MART after what happened last time) not because I had a burning desire to get lost in food, but because I had to.
     Yes, my household's designated shopper had important things to do that day and I was challenged to step up and be a woman, before we all starved.
     Fine I told myself, because I was more than prepared to take one for the team!
     And surprisingly, in this mind set I managed to overcome the cloud of confusion that usually meets me at the doors whenever I step into any grocery store.
     Instead, a different set of mental circumstances said hi this time…

Ella Roberts,

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